Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25th Update

A Language Arts progress report was sent home with your student on Wednesday, and a Literacy Skills report was sent home last Friday (for my class). Please review them with your student, sign them and return them to me. If you prefer to keep a progress report, please feel free to send me a signed note instead. I also sent some by mail, so you may have received more than one.

Also, I sent another email to you this week. If you have not received an email, please email your correct address (including your student’s name) to me at

In Literacy Skills students have been given their individual AR goals for the trimester. These goals represent the points needed to earn a “C” or better in AR (Accelerated Reader tests), which counts for a THIRD of the Literacy Skills’ grade. (This is different than 6th grade.) Students in my LS class received two numbers for their midterm goal. For example, a student was given the numbers 17 and 22.6. The first number (17) is the minimum points needed to earn a “C”, and the second number (22.6) is the minimum points needed to earn an “A” at midterm. The trimester goal is DOUBLE the minimum midterm goal. Students who read books that do not have an AR test may write another type of assessment, such as a reflection on the book. Please have your student ask his/her individual teacher about this.

The next vocabulary story is due on Wednesday. If your student will be absent due to a field trip or for another reason, your student should request the vocabulary words from me in advance. The quiz will be on Thursday.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thank You for Attending Curriculum Night

It was great to see so many adults in our students' desks. If you were unable to visit my classroom, please review the Curriculum Night Letter link in "Handouts" (on the right of this message.)

Tuesday will be the quiz on Parts of Speech AND Parts of an Essay. We went over all the quiz parts/questions in class. Please encourage your student to review their handouts a few times before Tuesday. To view other class activities for the week, look under "Class Activities" for the week's agenda.

I have already sent three emails about class activities to you through the Brooks email system. I am giving the "new emails" I received from you to the front office to be entered, although this may take a little time. If after another week you still have not received an email from me, please send an email asking to be added to the system to and copy it to (me). Hopefully My Gradebook will be available soon for you to access ALL of your student's grades.

It's been a great start. Thanks for your continued support.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Curriculum Night and Progress Reports

Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 18. This is a great way to experience your student's school day and to visit each classroom. Please arrive a few minutes before 7 PM with your student's schedule, which has been mailed to you. Since it is such a busy evening, teachers won't have an opportunity to speak with you individually, but please email if you have any questions. Students who "send their adults" to school for Curriculum Night will receive extra credit in my Language Arts classes, so please make sure to sign the clipboard before you leave.

The first vocabulary stories were fabulous, and many students shared their stories in class. What an amazing group of creative minds we have in our Core! I hope your student reads the next vocab story (using prefixes) to you before turning it in. Soon we have another great event for writing in our District. The Young Authors Conference is Saturday, October 25, and your student is invited to participate. This is a great opportunity for students who love to write or are not sure. Please return the blue form to me ASAP.

I am sending progress reports home with your student for my LA and LS classes on Friday. Please review them and discuss your student's success and areas to improve. Please then sign it and return it to me. If you prefer to keep it ("A"'s look great on the fridge), then send a note stating that you have seen it.

Technology issue: some students are bringing in flash drives with Microsoft Word files ending with the extension ".docx". This is the latest version of Word and will NOT open on our school computers. Please "save as" the document and select "Word '04". Then ".doc" should appear at the end.

Thanks for your support.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fabulous Group Poems and Who Am I Essays

The group created poems performed in class on Friday, Sept. 5, were marvelous, insightful and silly. Students worked really well together in small groups and surprised themselves by their success.

The final draft of the Who Am I essay was due Sept. 5, with the rough draft and brainstorm stapled to the back. I will return them in class once they are graded.

Please check the Class Activities link to stay up to date. Occasionally activities are updated or rescheduled depending on the progress of students. Students should write ALL assignments in their student handbooks, which they carry to each class. The start of 7th grade can be a bit more challenging as students are adjusting to new schedules and expectations. It is important that students stay up to date with activities and to always produce their best effort. I wish for students to be proud of each activity turned in.

We will be creating and editing many different types of pieces of writing this year. Please help your student by asking him/her to read all LA activities out loud to you. (Two proofreading tricks are to read the paper “out loud” and “backwards”.) ALL parts of each writing activity need to be saved and then submitted with the final draft. Please keep current work on a flashdrive that you bring back and forth to school. In addition, remember to bring the three ring binder to LA class each day as well as working pens and pencils.

Students in Literacy Skills should be bringing their reading journals home to reflect on their current reading. Please remember that students are required to read for a minimum of thirty minutes at home three nights a week, in addition to two times in class. Students are currently reading in class "Brian's Song" in the LA textbook Tuesday through Thursday, and they are reading from their"choice book" on Monday and Friday.

Monday, Sept. 8, is picture day. Please remember to bring your completed form and check, along with a great smile. Curriculum Night is on Thursday, Sept. 18. I hope to see you in B207.