Monday, February 28, 2011

End of Trimester 2

ISAT testing is Monday through Thursday this week, and Friday is the end of the trimester. Thank you for encouraging your student to eat a healthy breakfast and get plenty of rest. Students are prepared to do their best. They do need to bring a calculator, several sharpened pencils, and something to read every day.

This week we are finishing the independent reading novel Monster. All study guides and journals are due on Friday, and there will be a quiz that day. Students will be given review sheets on Tuesday.

Thursday afternoon is an all school PBIS celebration. Please ask your student for the blue permission slip to sign and return. It is available online on the team blog, or you may email Ms. King for a copy.

Progress reports were handed out last Friday. Students have had a chance to look for missing activities or check in with me. Please sign it and have your student return it to me. You may always check teachers' blogs and your student's grades online at your convenience.

Thanks for your continued support.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ISATS and end of the trimester

ISAT testing will begin next week. Thank you for encouraging your student to eat a healthy breakfast and get plenty of rest. We have been reviewing some strategies in class, and students are prepared to do their best.

Students need to bring their textbooks to class each day, in addition to their choice novel and the class novel Monster. Progress reports will be handed out this week to bring home to review. Please sign it and have your student return it to me the next day. You may always check teachers' blogs and your student's grade online at your convenience.

The end of the trimester is March 4. Hopefully that will also be the end of our snow....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Now that the THUNDERSNOW has subsided, and we are back to a typical week, teachers hope to re-schedule the portfolio conference with you. Thanks for adjusting to the weather situation, which was obviously an "experience" for all of us.

This week students are reviewing literature terminology, which includes an analysis of a 30 minute, situation comedy on television. Please help your student decide which program would be best. We also are continuing the novel Monster and reviewing reading strategies.

Forms for the Springfield 7th grade trip are due on Tuesday to the main office, along with payment. (You can print out information from the District website or stop in the office for a form.)

The trip is on Friday, March 25. Students will be on chaperoned buses that tour Springfield's famous sites. If students are not on the field trip, they are expected to attend school that day.

Please call the Brooks main office directly if you have questions about the field trip. Please contact your student's conferencing teacher about a makeup conference appointment.