Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January Ends

Spring is around the corner... I am keeping my fingers crossed...

Students received and reviewed their graded Research Projects today in class. (HOORAY!) They were given time to ask questions about any suggestions and corrections. If they wish, they are encouraged to visit me outside of class to discuss their work further. Students also completed a self-evaluation of the research process, which you may view at Conferences. (If you have not signed up for a conference on February 4, please contact the teacher right away.)

Students in all my classes received a progress report to be reviewed and signed at home, before being returned to me. This is a snapshot of their grades as of Sunday evening, and there is still much ground to cover before the end of the trimester. Students were reminded that if they notice a discrepancy, they should speak to me about it directly.

Textbooks, text books, textbooks... Our core has the opportunity to use brand new LA textbooks as a source and reference for the remainder of the year. Students are expected to bring them to class each day, unless I have informed them in advance, in addition to the the LA binder. Students in LS are still required to BRING a choice book to class on Monday and Friday of each week. Students know they may take AR tests before school and during lunch, which is encouraged since the Media Center is so busy during our class period.

The ISATS are approaching in March, and our students are on the path to great achievement. Teachers in each class are helping students learn and review concepts, and students are working on reading strategies throughout the school. It is a good idea for each student to occasionally review the Literary Terms packet, in addition to other LA handouts

Please feel free to email me any specific concerns or even any moments of joy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Most students have turned in the Research Project, which was due on January 13. Please check the online gradebook to see if your student turned it in on time. There will not be a final grade listed for at least two weeks, however you can see if it was turned in at all.

Thursday, January 21, is an important due date for two important forms:
the permission slip / $ for A Midsummer Night's Dream and the last day to turn in Conference Request slips. Your student received one in class today and was told the teacher that was assigned to facilitating this student-led portfolio conference. It will be the same format as the one in the fall.

Students assigned to ME are as follows: Bauhs, Clay, Garcia, Haack, E. Johnson, Kennedy, Kern, Kupelian, Lealiou, Lemke-Bell, C. McKinney, Montiel, Puholovich, Rossa, Seledec, Stoner, Strayhorn, Temen, Thomas, Tushman, Uzokwe, Weiss, B. Williams, Wolfe, Wood

Please ask your student about both of these forms today. If you are one of the above families, you may return the form or email me the requested times of day. Please give me three different time slots between 1 PM and 7:30 PM on Thursday, February 4, that work for you. Please also give me correct email addresses and phone numbers.

If you are not on my list, please contact the teacher assigned to you or your student's adviser to find out that name.

The District 97 Writing Celebration is approaching. Students may request an entry form from me, but it must be signed by an adult by this Thursday. Please ask your child to participate in this great opportunity. They may reprint something from this year in either poetry or prose.

Thanks for your continued support.

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a New Year!

Please turn in the permission slip to see A Midsummer Night's Dream as soon as possible. There is a copy of the slip under "handouts" to the right of this blog. Thank you to the many students who turned it in and the $10.00 today.

Wednesday is the school-wide ISAT practice test. Students need a healthy breakfast, several sharpened pencils, a calculator, and a good night's sleep. The school schedule will be altered, yet students will still meet in all classes that day. Students have reviewed "Test Taking Strategies" with me in LA, and another copy is under "handouts".

The rough draft of the research paper body paragraphs was due today. A few students still have not completed the outline, which was due several weeks ago, in addition to the rough draft. Please check on line for your student's grades for these activities, as well as for all classes.

As students finalize the Research Project, the last due dates are listed below. Please ask your student to READ his/her essay OUT LOUD to you. This will aid in finding errors and noticing detail. Please do NOT assume that your student has completed everything during school hours.

Mon, January 4 First Draft due
(body only), type outside of class
Tues, January 5 Work on Introduction and Conclusion, review testing strategies
Wed, January 6 ISAT practice test, Revise rough draft, proofread, type outside of class
Thurs, January 7 Rough draft due (Intro/Body/Conclusion), type
Fri, January 8 Title page due,
revise final draft, proofread

Mon, January 11 Revise final draft, proofread, type outside of class

Tues, January 12 Assemble Project – ALL drafts, notes, etc., turn in research folder

Wed, January 13 Final Research paper due